4 Races Perfect for New Runners in Spring 2020
Grab your hat and sign up! We break down four races perfect for beginner runners this Spring.
THE RACE. What better place to try out the nationwide Rock N’ Roll race series than MUSIC CITY?! This one’s worth a weekend girls’ trip. Runners revel in the spirit of good tunes and an incredible cause, St. Jude Children’s Hospital. The weekend kicks off at the Music City center on Friday followed by races on Saturday. Runners breeze through Nashville’s iconic Honky Tonk strip with lots of live music, signage, and water stations. Plus, the portions of the race highlighting St. Jude make it all the more meaningful and rewarding.
INSIDER TIP. If you’re a beginner, stick to the 5K – we’ve heard the half marathon is pretty hilly and challenging.
WHERE TO STAY. Studio 154 Luxury Hotel, Hilton Nashville Downtown, and Dream Nashville Hotel are solid lodging options for race festivities (and fun afterward!).
THE RACE. With fun princess costumes and no pressure to finish fast, this race is PERFECT for first first-timers. It weaves through multiple Disney parks, through Cinderella’s castle and around the Epcot ball. Don’t let the 13.1 miles scare you – the Disney princess half holds one of the slowest median half marathon times among US races. Probably because the runners have so much fun stopping and taking photos! There’s only one semi-hilly portion, but don’t worry - SPOILER! The Toy Story army men will be pushing you through! Usually this race is sold out a year in advance, but it’s STILL OPEN (the 5K is sold out). If you’re looking for a slow and fun, yet distance-challenging course, this is it.
INSIDER TIP. Go to the EXPO the day before – it’s almost as fun as the race! Wear your race costume there to get the cutest photos, because morning of the race, it’ll be too dark. Also consider hitting up one of the parks the same day, right after the race. If you go to a park the day AFTER your race, you may be too sore.
WHERE TO STAY. Pre-race coffee next to a giraffe? Our intel says Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge rooms with Savannah views are the coolest experience. But more affordable options are great too, for instance, the Hilton Orlando with a lazy river and spa.
THE RACE. At the Carlsbad 5000, the energy buzzes as runners try to crush PRs. It’s super inspiring to runners push themselves. But for us party people – relatively beginner runners – the 5K “PARTY PEOPLE RACE” is perfection! The flat course is designed for those who “want to run, walk, or dance for 3.1 miles” while soaking in the beautiful oceanfront vistas. After the finish line, keep the endorphin party going with a “Party by the Sea” festival, full of beer and live music.
INSIDER TIP. What better way to cool tired legs then in the Pacific ocean? After the race head to the water for a dip!
WHERE TO STAY. Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort, Beach Terrace Inn, Ocean Palms Beach Resort are all good options near start and finish, and the beach.
THE RACE. Beer is your pot (or mug!) of gold at the end of this flat 8K rainbow. This fast and easy 8K finishes with a post-race party on the beach. What’s luckier?
INSIDER TIP. Don't skip out - arrive Friday and attend the full weekend festivities.
WHERE TO STAY. Hilton Virginia Beach Oceanfront, Oceanfront Inn, and the Hyatt House Virginia Beach Oceanfront.
Happy sign-ups!